The Wastelands...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

For the most part, I was content to live & let live in my own little corner of the Bog...

I hadn't played the actual Wastelands game too much at this point. Destiny had taught me how to salvage some time back and I had a small collection of items & some food. I had a facebreaker and a crowbill as well. But the only times I really saw others was at Fight Night. I had begun to discover the true beauty of Bog sunsets though...

I didn't bother people and I even made a few more friends. Pirate Graves was happening by my place one day chasing some mutant, but he took the time to stop and say hello. He and I became friends as we had known some of the same people in Jabberwock. I would also later learn that he & Kitty were a couple...

Sunrises in the bog were pretty lovely too...

All was good but I had a strange feeling that things were about to change...

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